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Home Products of Sea Beef
Mackerel Hake White Croacker Narrawnose Smooth-Hound
Squid Hoki Sea Trout Tilapia
Yellow Croacker Pompano King Weakfish Lacha
Horse Mackerel Hawkfish Skate  

Horse Mackerel
Trachurus Picturatus Murphyi

Jurel | Packing of 10 KG Jurel | Land forzen - Packing of 10 KG Jurel | Whole round

Packing of 10 kg

Land frozen - Packing of 10 KG Whole round


Body elongate, fairly compressed. Head large; posterior end of upper jaw reaching anterior margin of eye; lower jaw projected. Maxilla large, wide, not covered by lacrymal. Adipose eyelid well developed.

Small nostrils closely situated each other, anterior nostril oval and posterior nostril crescent. A distinct notch on posterior margin of opercle. Dorsal accessory lateral line terminating below soft dorsal rays 9-15. Gillrakers, including rudiments, 41-47 on lower limb of first gill arch; total gillrakers 53-65.

First dorsal fin with 8 spines and I + 31-36. Anal fin with I + 25-31 preceded by 2 strong spines. Pectoral fin rays 19-22. Pelvic fin moderate in size, originating below end of pectoral fin base.

Scales in curved lateral line 45-62 expanded dorsolaterally and scute-like, in straight lateral line 38-50 scutes; total scales and scutes 89-107.

Habitat and Biology

A epipelagic species;often confined to neritic zones of coast or island shelves, banks and sea mounts;
a schooling species.Feeding primarily on crustaceans (copepods), shrimps, but also small fishes and squid. All have pelagic eggs and spawning generally occurs during the summer.


Attains a maximum size of 60 cm (24 in) or not very more.


Tel.: +(598) 99684939
Tel / Fax: +(598) (2) 4017189